Best Online Counselling For Stress, Relationship, Career, Trauma And Other Problems
Your one stop solution for all your online counselling requirements.

Marriage counselling
Marriage counselling, also called couples therapy, is a type of psychotherapy. Marriage counselling gives couples the tools to communicate better, negotiate differences, problem solve and even argue in a healthier way

Career counselling
Career development is more than just deciding on a major and what job you want to get when you graduate. It really is a lifelong process, meaning that throughout your life you will change, situations will change, and you will

Trauma & Stress counselling: (Police & Healthcare)
The Police force in any country is entrusted with the responsibility of maintenance of public order and prevention and detection of crimes. The constant increase in crime rates,
Workplace counselling
Workplace counselling is an employee support intervention that is usually short term in nature and provides an independent, specialist resource for people working across all sectors and in all working environments.
Mild anxiety
Mild anxiety is experienced when there’s a sudden melt down, unease in abdomen, increase in pulse rate. Mild anxiety occurs in stressful situations that a person faces in day to day life. It can also become a lifestyle issue. Mild anxiety is often experienced when there is another issue at play. Issues that make a person uncomfortable lead to mild anxiety.
Low mood
Low mood is a mild psychological issue. Low mood occurs when mood swings happen. Sudden mood swings with consistent low mood is an issue. There is a possibility that this is caused by hormonal imbalance or brain chemical imbalance. It increases the risk of bipolar disorder or depression.
Overthinking syndrome is linked to declining psychological issues. Overthinking syndrome can be a symptom of other psychological disorders or it can lead to a psychological disorder. It is a mentally draining activity that is destructive. It makes a person feel stuck in a situation.
Job loss
Loss of a job can lead to a spiral of low self esteem and depression. It can lead to negative thoughts developing in mind. It can also impact your behaviour and relationships. Job loss can highly de-value us in our own eyes. It can unfold a sea of emotions. If you are fixated in a certain job role, losing it can be a traumatic experience.
Low productivity
Low productivity is a direct result of mental health issues. Each and every mental health issue impacts a person’s productivity. Unresolved trauma, neglect, abuse, discrimination are all reasons for low productivity. Self esteem issues or high vanity factors also cause lack of productivity in a person. Anyone can face low productivity. Work space is the first place where cognitive skills are hampered due to psychological issues that directly affect productivity.
Procrastination seems harmless to most people. Procrastination delays productivity hours and can put a person under significant amounts of stress. Putting off work is also a sign of depression, low productivity, or neurological disorders. There are other feelings associated with procrastination. Feelings such as fear of failure, excessive perfection, low/high energy levels, lack of motivation, lack of focus, lack of skill, lack of commitment, and lack of communication can lead to this practice.
Low esteem
Low self esteem is characterised by excessive apologies, lack of confidence, lack of coming forth, excessive dependency. Low self esteem can occur due to childhood trauma, excessive anxiety, depression, or can create addictive disorders. Low self esteem isn’t just faced in a singular realm of life. A lifestyle is often built around low self esteem. It is counterproductive and affects a person’s relationships negatively.
Anger Management
Anger management is a normal emotion for any person. It becomes a management issue when the intensity of anger can’t be controlled. The common symptoms of anger issues are rage, unmanaged stress, feeling overwhelmed, excessive guilt, frustration and irritability. Anger management is a self help process. It focuses on realising and addressing those feelings rather than lashing out. It is encouraged not to act on any emotional rage.