Relationship Online Counselling

Relationship Counsellor Online

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Whether you are dealing with a painful breakup, infidelity, divorce, or simply seeking to enhance intimacy and communication in your relationship, our dedicated team of online relationship counsellors is here to help you navigate through these issues with care and expertise.

Relationship Online Counselling for

Break Up

Experiencing a breakup can be an overwhelming and emotionally taxing journey. The pain, sadness, and confusion can leave you feeling lost. Our online relationship counselling services offer a safe space for you to express your feelings, gain clarity, and work towards healing. Our counsellors use evidence-based techniques to help you cope with the emotional aftermath of a breakup, rebuild self-esteem, and embrace new opportunities for growth and happiness.

Cheating & Infidelity

Infidelity can shatter the very foundation of a relationship, leaving behind a trail of broken trust and hurt. At PsychiCare, we understand the complexities surrounding infidelity. Our experienced counsellors approach this delicate matter with empathy and objectivity. They work with you and your partner to address the root causes of the infidelity, rebuild trust, and rediscover intimacy, allowing your relationship to emerge stronger and more resilient.

Couples Counselling

All relationships face challenges, but not all couples know how to navigate them effectively. Our online relationship counselling services offer a neutral ground where both partners can openly communicate their needs, concerns, and expectations. Through constructive communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and personalized guidance, our counsellors help you and your partner build a healthier, more harmonious bond.


Divorce can be one of the most challenging life transitions, affecting not only the couple but also their families. Our compassionate counsellors provide support and guidance during this difficult time. They assist you in managing emotions, co-parenting, and creating a new sense of normalcy after divorce. Our goal is to help you navigate this significant life change with resilience and hope for the future.


The world of dating can be both exciting and overwhelming. Our online relationship counselling services extend to those seeking guidance in the realm of dating. Whether you struggle with communication in new relationships, have a history of failed connections, or simply desire insights into fostering a deeper emotional bond, our counsellors are here to support you on your dating journey.


Friendships form an essential part of our support system, but they, too, encounter challenges. If you're facing conflicts with friends or seeking ways to strengthen existing bonds, our counsellors can provide valuable insights. They help you foster healthy communication and address issues constructively, allowing your friendships to flourish.

Family Counselling

Family dynamics can be complex, with various members experiencing conflicting emotions and perspectives. Our online family counselling services aim to promote understanding, resolve conflicts, and build a foundation of love and support within the family unit. Whether you're facing communication breakdowns, parent-child conflicts, or blended family challenges, our experienced counsellors are here to assist you.


Intimacy is at the core of any fulfilling relationship. Whether you seek to enhance emotional intimacy or address physical intimacy issues, our relationship counsellors provide a safe space for open discussions. They offer practical guidance to help you and your partner deepen your connection, reignite passion, and create a more profound sense of emotional closeness.

Relationship Online Counselling

What is an online relationship counselling session like?

An online relationship counseling session typically involves a qualified therapist or counselor providing guidance and support to individuals or couples seeking to improve their relationship. The session usually takes place through video conferencing platforms or messaging services, allowing participants to engage from the comfort of their own homes.

The counselor creates a safe and non-judgmental space for open communication, encouraging each person to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. They may explore the underlying issues affecting the relationship, identify patterns of behavior, and offer practical strategies for resolving conflicts and fostering better communication. The counselor aims to promote empathy and understanding between the parties involved while helping them work through their challenges collaboratively.

Major Causes of Relationship Issues

Poor Communication

Lack of open and effective communication can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and a breakdown in emotional connection.

Trust Issues

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Betrayal, infidelity, or past unresolved trust issues can severely damage the bond between partners.

Different Expectations

When partners have conflicting expectations regarding the relationship’s direction, commitment level, or future plans, it can lead to discord and disappointment.

Financial Conflicts

Disagreements over money, spending habits, or financial priorities can create significant stress within a relationship.

Intimacy and Sexuality Concerns

Differences in libido, intimacy issues, or sexual dissatisfaction can strain emotional intimacy and lead to frustration.

Life Stressors

External stressors such as work pressure, family problems, or health issues can spill over into the relationship and impact how partners interact with each other.

Unresolved Conflicts

Avoiding or not effectively resolving conflicts can result in lingering resentment and emotional distance.

Lack of Emotional Support

Feeling emotionally unsupported or invalidated by a partner can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Imbalance of Responsibilities

When one partner feels burdened with an unfair share of responsibilities, it can breed resentment and feelings of being taken for granted.

Poor Boundaries

Difficulties in setting and respecting boundaries can lead to conflicts, invasion of personal space, and a lack of individuality in the relationship.

How can PsychiCare online counselling and therapy help and
benefit you in Heal Your Relationships?

1. Comprehensive Relationship Assessment

To truly understand the dynamics of your relationship, our counsellors conduct a thorough assessment. This evaluation allows them to identify the strengths and weaknesses in your bond, communication styles, and potential areas of improvement.

2. Effective Communication Techniques

Communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. Our counsellors equip you with valuable communication tools and strategies to express your feelings, needs, and concerns effectively. Learning to communicate constructively fosters emotional intimacy and strengthens your connection.

3. Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, but how you handle it makes all the difference. Our counsellors teach you constructive ways to manage conflicts and disagreements, promoting understanding and compromise.

4. Rebuilding Trust and Intimacy

Trust is fundamental to any successful relationship. If trust has been broken, our counsellors guide you through the process of rebuilding it. Additionally, they help reignite the spark of intimacy and emotional connection between you and your partner.

5. Strengthening Emotional Bonds

Emotional connection is the heartbeat of lasting love. Our counsellors work with you to deepen emotional bonds, fostering a sense of security, and cultivating a more profound emotional understanding of each other.

6. Setting Realistic Goals

Together, we define achievable goals for your relationship. Our counsellors support you in creating a roadmap to success, guiding you step by step towards a happier and more fulfilling partnership.

Understanding the Benefits of Online Relationship Counselling

Convenience and Accessibility

With our online counselling platform, seeking help for your relationship has never been easier. You can access our services from the comfort and privacy of your own home, eliminating the need for travel or face-to-face appointments. This convenience makes it easier for couples with busy schedules or geographical constraints to prioritize their relationship’s well-being.

Expert Guidance from Licensed Professionals

Our team of relationship counsellors comprises licensed professionals with extensive experience in helping couples overcome challenges and find harmony. They employ evidence-based techniques and a compassionate approach to guide you through the process of healing and growth.

Anonymity and Confidentiality

We understand that seeking relationship counselling can be a sensitive matter. Our online platform ensures complete anonymity and confidentiality, allowing you to open up without fear of judgment or social stigma.

Customized Approach to Your Unique Needs

No two relationships are the same, and we recognize that each couple requires a personalized approach to their counselling journey. Our counsellors tailor their guidance to address your specific concerns and goals, ensuring effective results and sustainable improvements in your relationship.

online relationship counsellors

Find the top-rated online relationship counsellor near you

Are you looking to strengthen your relationship, resolve conflicts, or enhance emotional intimacy? Look no further! Our top-rated online relationship counselors are here to support and guide you on your journey towards a more fulfilling and harmonious partnership.

Frequently Asked Questions About Relationship Counseling

Yes. Relationship counseling can be highly beneficial for couples or individuals facing challenges in their relationships. It provides a safe and supportive space to address issues, improve communication, build trust, and enhance emotional connection. A skilled counselor can offer valuable insights and tools to navigate conflicts, leading to healthier and more fulfilling partnerships.

A relationship counselor is a trained professional who specializes in helping couples or individuals work through relationship issues. They facilitate open communication, identify underlying problems, and guide clients towards effective solutions. Counselors may employ various therapeutic techniques to improve understanding, encourage emotional support, and foster positive change within the relationship.

You may consider seeking relationship counseling when you experience frequent conflicts, communication breakdowns, lack of intimacy, trust issues, unresolved past traumas, or when you feel stuck in negative patterns. Additionally, pre-marital counseling can be valuable to address potential challenges before marriage.

Relationship counseling typically involves scheduled sessions with a qualified therapist. These sessions may be conducted in-person or online, depending on your preference and availability. The counselor will create a safe and non-judgmental environment for open discussion, assess the relationship dynamics, and provide guidance on effective communication and conflict resolution.

Online relationship counseling sessions typically take place via video call, phone call, or instant messaging. During your sessions, your counselor will create a safe and supportive environment for you and your partner to explore your concerns and work towards your goals. They will listen attentively, ask thought-provoking questions, and provide guidance and feedback. Your counselor may also assign homework or exercises to help you practice new skills and reinforce what you’ve learned. It’s important to approach counseling sessions with an open mind and a willingness to participate actively. Remember, change takes time and effort, but with the support of your counselor, you can make significant progress.

To make a relationship effective, prioritize open and honest communication, actively listen to your partner, and express appreciation and support regularly. Invest time and effort into nurturing the emotional connection, and be willing to compromise and work through challenges together.

Be open to the counseling process and actively engage in the sessions. Be honest with your counselor about your concerns and expectations. Take the counselor’s advice seriously and be willing to implement suggested changes in your relationship.

In relationship therapy, you can expect to gain insights into your relationship dynamics, improve communication skills, develop a deeper understanding of each other’s needs, and receive practical tools to address conflicts constructively. The therapist will work collaboratively with you to achieve your relationship goals.

The duration of a relationship counseling session can vary but typically ranges from 45 to 60 minutes. The cost per session at PsychiCare starts at Rs. 2500 per 90 mins scheduling an appointment with your chosen counselor.

Finding a reputable online relationship counselor with PsychiCare is easy. Simply visit our website and explore our counseling platform specializing in relationship counseling. We handpick licensed and certified counselors with proven expertise, ensuring you receive top-quality services.

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