how to improve emotional intelligence (4)

How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence | Experts Advice

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“No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Emotions are driven by impulses over which we have little or no control, sometimes taking us to the extent of even  harming ourselves and stopping us to care for emotions of others through a harsh response.  

To deal with this psychologists talk about emotional intelligence which will impact our communication skills, academic and professional success, mental disposition, physical health, ability to deal with stress and improving morale & motivation.

This term, introduced by the psychologists Mayer and Salovey in 1990, is explained as the ability to recognise emotions in ourselves and others, handle interpersonal relations empathically and to understand and guide our thoughts and behaviours.  

Its key elements are social skills, self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy (Daniel Goleman). The research has shown that an emotionally intelligent person will be able to get along better with others, will be more successful, emphatic and compassionate compared to others.

It can be added here that though high intelligent quotient (IQ) is necessary for success in life, but equally important is emotional intelligence and high emotional quotient (EQ) .  

It is certainly not IQ vs EQ.  Both have their own unique importance. IQ is what one is born with, emotional intelligence is acquired and is evolved over time. A major role in development of emotional intelligence is how one is raised as a child but appropriate measures can be taken in one’s adulthood to get emotionally ‘smarter’.  

This is something we all should address and continue to work towards it and improve it for the rest of our lives.

There are several ways we can improve our emotional intelligence:

  • Keep track of your emotions throughout the day. Pay more attention to your emotions; How do they affect the way you respond to others? Answering this question will cause you to be more attentive to your emotions.
  • Pause for a moment. Think twice before making any important decision. Often, emotions interfere with the flexibility to think about all possible options, so be calm and be a little patient with yourself.
  • Try and be more empathetic by understanding the “why” behind another person’s feelings or emotions.
  • Ask for perspective. What we perceive is usually quite different from what around us are seeing. Ask others to understand how you come across in emotionally charged situations.
  • Try viewing situations from other’s point of view and keep up a positive attitude. It can help you become more optimistic.
  • Who likes criticism? Possibly nobody. But, it’s very important to choose to learn something from it. As it helps us to grow in emotional intelligence.
  • Practice, practice, practice. Becoming more emotionally intelligent won’t happen overnight, it requires a lot of perseverance, effort and hard work.
  • Try and develop the skill of listening. It involves asking questions, showing that you care, and providing constructive feedback.

Why is emotional intelligence so important?

Emotional intelligence is important for several reasons, as it plays a significant role in personal and social well-being. Here are some key reasons why emotional intelligence is important:

Enhanced Self-Awareness: Emotional intelligence enables individuals to have a deep understanding of their own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and values. This self-awareness provides valuable insights into one’s motivations, aspirations, and areas for personal growth.

Effective Communication: EI facilitates effective communication by allowing individuals to recognize and understand their own emotions and the emotions of others. This understanding helps tailor communication styles, express oneself empathetically, and listen attentively, leading to improved interpersonal connections and conflict resolution.

Building Strong Relationships: People with high emotional intelligence have the ability to empathize and connect with others on a deeper level. They can understand and respond to the emotions of others, fostering trust, mutual respect, and stronger relationships in personal and professional settings.

Conflict Resolution: EI equips individuals with the skills to manage and resolve conflicts constructively. By understanding and regulating emotions, individuals can approach conflicts with empathy, active listening, and open-mindedness, leading to more productive and mutually beneficial outcomes.

Effective Leadership: Emotional intelligence is a key characteristic of successful leaders. Leaders with high EI can inspire and motivate their team members, understand their needs, and provide support and guidance. They are also adept at managing interpersonal dynamics, creating a positive work environment, and promoting collaboration.

Stress Management: Emotional intelligence helps individuals manage stress effectively. By understanding their own emotions and triggers, they can employ strategies such as self-care, relaxation techniques, and problem-solving to navigate stressful situations. This leads to improved mental well-being and resilience.

Adaptability and Flexibility: In a rapidly changing world, emotional intelligence enables individuals to adapt and respond to new challenges and environments. It fosters flexibility, agility, and the ability to navigate uncertainty, making individuals better equipped to thrive in diverse situations.

Improved Decision-Making: EI plays a vital role in decision-making processes. By considering both emotional and rational aspects, individuals with high EI can make well-informed decisions that align with their values, take into account the emotions of others, and consider the broader impact of their choices.

Increased Empathy and Compassion: Emotional intelligence nurtures empathy and compassion, enabling individuals to understand and connect with the experiences and emotions of others. This promotes a more inclusive and compassionate society, fostering stronger interpersonal relationships and social cohesion.

Personal Fulfillment and Well-being: Ultimately, emotional intelligence contributes to personal fulfillment and overall well-being. By understanding and managing emotions effectively, individuals can experience greater satisfaction, healthier relationships, and a deeper sense of purpose in their lives.

How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Enhance Self-Awareness Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. It involves being in tune with your own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. By developing self-awareness, you can better understand your strengths, weaknesses, triggers, and values. Here are some practical ways to enhance self-awareness:

Keep a journal: Take some time each day to reflect on your emotions and experiences. Write down your thoughts, feelings, and any patterns you notice. This can help you gain valuable insights into your emotional landscape.

Practice mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness meditation or other mindful activities to cultivate present-moment awareness. Pay attention to your thoughts, bodily sensations, and emotions without judgment. This practice can help you become more attuned to your internal world.

Seek feedback: Ask trusted friends, family members, or colleagues for feedback about your strengths and areas for improvement. Their insights can provide you with a fresh perspective on your emotional intelligence.

2. Develop Self-Regulation Skills

Self-regulation involves managing and controlling your emotions effectively. It enables you to respond to situations in a balanced and constructive manner. Here are some strategies to enhance self-regulation:

Identify triggers : Pay attention to situations or events that tend to evoke strong emotional responses. By identifying your triggers, you can prepare yourself and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Practice stress management: Engage in stress-reducing activities such as exercise, deep breathing exercises, or meditation. These techniques can help you regulate your emotions and reduce the impact of stress on your well-being.

Pause and reflect: When faced with intense emotions, take a moment to pause and reflect before responding. This can prevent impulsive reactions and allow you to choose more thoughtful and appropriate responses.

3. Cultivate Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It plays a crucial role in building strong and meaningful relationships. Here’s how you can cultivate empathy:

Active listening: Practice active listening by giving your full attention to the speaker and striving to understand their perspective. Avoid interrupting or judging, and show empathy through your body language and verbal cues.

Put yourself in their shoes: Imagine yourself in the other person’s situation and try to understand how they might be feeling. This exercise can help you develop a deeper sense of empathy and compassion.

Practice kindness: Show acts of kindness and compassion towards others. Small gestures of empathy, such as offering support or lending a listening ear, can go a long way in strengthening relationships.

4. Cultivate Social Skills

Strong social skills are integral to emotional intelligence, as they enable individuals to navigate social situations effectively. Here’s how to enhance social skills:


Effective communication: Enhance your communication skills by being clear, assertive, and empathetic. Pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal cues to ensure effective and meaningful interactions.


Collaboration and teamwork: Engage in team-based activities or projects that require cooperation and collaboration. This fosters the development of social skills such as active listening, compromise, and conflict resolution.


Networking and relationship-building: Actively seek opportunities to expand your social network, build relationships, and practice interpersonal skills. Attend events, join professional groups, and maintain connections with diverse individuals


  1. Can emotional intelligence be learned?

Yes, emotional intelligence can be learned and developed. While some individuals may have a natural inclination toward certain aspects of emotional intelligence, everyone has the potential to enhance their emotional intelligence through self-awareness, practice, and the application of specific techniques and strategies.

  1. What are the benefits of improving emotional intelligence?

Improving emotional intelligence offers numerous benefits. It helps individuals build stronger relationships, communicate effectively, manage conflicts, and navigate social situations with empathy and understanding. Emotional intelligence also contributes to personal growth, enhances leadership skills, and promotes overall well-being and resilience.

  1. How can I enhance my self-awareness?

Self-awareness can be enhanced through various practices. Reflective journaling, mindfulness meditation, seeking feedback from others, and engaging in self-reflection exercises are effective techniques. It involves paying attention to your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and gaining insights into your own patterns, strengths, weaknesses, and triggers.

  1. Can empathy be developed?

Yes, empathy can be developed and strengthened. Actively practicing active listening, perspective-taking, and engaging in activities that expose you to diverse perspectives can enhance your ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Cultivating empathy involves being open-minded, compassionate, and willing to consider different viewpoints.

  1. How can emotional intelligence benefit my professional life?

Emotional intelligence is highly valuable in the professional realm. It contributes to effective communication, teamwork, and collaboration. Leaders with high emotional intelligence can inspire and motivate their teams, resolve conflicts, and create positive work environments. Emotional intelligence also aids in stress management, decision-making, and adaptability, which are essential skills in the workplace.

  1. Can emotional intelligence help in managing stress?

Yes, emotional intelligence plays a significant role in managing stress. By developing emotional awareness and regulation, individuals can identify their stress triggers, employ coping strategies effectively, and maintain a balanced perspective during challenging situations. Emotional intelligence enables individuals to respond to stress in a constructive and resilient manner.

7. Is emotional intelligence a fixed trait?

No, emotional intelligence is not a fixed trait. It is a skill that can be developed and improved over time with practice and self-reflection. Individuals can continually enhance their emotional intelligence by engaging in self-awareness exercises, learning and applying effective communication techniques, and seeking feedback from others.

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